IED Officer
For which plants IED Incident officers are to be ordered, the Ordinance on Immission Control and Hazardous Incidents (5th BImSchV) stipulates that an accident management officer is acc. § 55 BImSchG, to be ordered in writing and the tasks to be defined must be precisely defined. An order must be notified to the competent authority (§ 55Abs.1 BImSchG). If more than one installation is operated by one operator within the meaning of § 2 5.BImSchV, a common immission protection or incident management officer may be appointed for these installations (see Group Representative)

An incident officer must have the necessary expertise and reliability to fulfill the defined tasks (§ 55 (2) sentence 1 BImSchG in conjunction with §§ 7, 8 of the 5th BImSchV). It requires a degree in physics, chemistry or engineering and at least two years of relevant knowledge. In some cases, other qualification requirements are possible. Representatives have to take part in recognized continuing education measures at least every two years (§ 9 Abs. 5. BImSchV)
Duties acc. §§ 54, 58b BImSchG
- Advising the accountable Management on matters that are important to the safety of the facility
- Obligation to notify about known disturbances of the intended operation towards the operator
- Supervision of the regulations as well as the fulfillment of conditions and conditions with regard to the prevention of disturbances
- Inspection of the establishment at regular intervals, notification of any deficiencies found and suggestions for correcting these deficiencies
- Obligation to report deficiencies relating to preventive and defensive fire protection and technical assistance
- Annual report on measures taken and intended
There is currently no explicit provision in the BImSchG. There is a line position, e.g. recommended as company manager. An external order, as an accident officer in a staff position in direct assignment of the management, is gem. § 5 (1) sentence 1 of the 5th BImSchV with the consent of the competent authority.

QHSE Compliance Division Europe