Energy Management ISO 50001

With the ISO 50001, energy saving potential, sustainable cost savings and a reproducible reduction of the CO2 footprint can be demonstrated and implemented. The success of an EMS is to improve energy performance, increase energy efficiency and thereby optimize energy use. ISO 50001 defines the requirements for organizations to implement an EMS and, like all other standards, requires continuous improvement. The ISO 50001 can also be integrated into an existing management system


It is expected that the ISO 50001 from 2019 will also be adapted to the High-Level-Structure (HLS), thus following ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015. Organizations that are certified according to several ISO standards will see the synergy effects as a clear advantage.

Implementation of an ISO 50001 Management-System

ISO 50001 energy management

An environmental management system according to ISO 14001 focuses on environmental protection and on improving environmental performance. The ISO 50001 establishes parallel requirements that reflect the improvement in energy performance.

In essence, the ISO 50001 requirements describe:

  • the commitment of senior management to the compliant implementation of the energy management system
  • the definition of an energetic starting point, of energy targets and action plans
  • the management of resources and responsibilities
  • the determination and evaluation of energetic aspects, energy performance indicators
  • training and information of employees and internal audits at fixed intervals
  • the measurement and analysis of energy related services
  • continuous improvement and maintenance of the system ..

Companies achieve long-term compliance security with an EnMS or holistic environmental management, and a reduction in the CO2 footprint of particularly energy-intensive companies.

The implementation of an EnM system or an integrated management system depends on the size, the industry and the branch structure of a company. The actual state with regard to the actual energy-relevant aspects and in particular their detection, have a great influence on the time required for an implementation.

The implementation of an EnMS system into your company is done usually:


  • Illustration of the actual state Determination of the energetic starting point
  • Determination of relevant energy aspects and determination of relevant energy performance indicators according to the requirements of the standard
  • Integration of external requirements, for example (transport, customer specifications)
  • Structure of the required processes (illustration of your policy and goals, qualifications of your managers (energy managers), process manuals, measuring points, audit programs, energy performance evaluation, handling of deviations)
  • Training your employees
  • Test runs with troubleshooting and test audits
  • Selection of suitable certification bodies (a first certification consists of a 2-stage audit)
  • Assistance with the practical management activity, e.g. internal audits, processing of an audit report, document control, management review

Preparation of the stage 1 audit

Level 1 audit objectives include:

  • documented information of the management system, including statistical information on scope, policies, objectives, interested parties, including:
  • internal communication, external communication
  • processes descriptions
  • Levels of controls used (especially for multi-site organizations)
  • Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Checking the suitability of the goals of the organization
  • Assessment of internal audits and management reviews
  • Site-specific conditions of the organization
  • Illustration of the responsible persons and their competence to prepare for level 2
  • Reviewing the organization's understanding of the requirements of the standard,
  • Identification of the most important services, aspects, processes, goals of the management system

Level 1 assessment must ensure that Stage 2 objectives can be met. Then prepare for the stage 2 audit. The purpose of the Level 2 Assessment is to assess the effectiveness and effectiveness of the organization's management system.

Level 2 audit objectives include:

  • Performance in monitoring, reporting and target achievement.
  • Regulatory compliance audit, Measures requiring review
  • Operational control
  • Participation and knowledge of the workforce
  • Internal Audits and Management Review
  • Responsibility of the management

With successful certification the implementation is finished

With good preparation, an initial certification procedure can be completed within a few months. There is a minimum duration between implementation and level 1, as well as between level 1 and level 2 audits.
Between the implementation of the management system and the first level 1 assessment, the evidence of the organization's effective implementation of the system must be mapped for at least three months. For multi-site organizations, the Level 1 Assessment is focused on the central organization. (See IAF 71 SD 6 013 | Revision: 1.1 | 20 August 2015)
IUsally there should be a minimum of one month between Level 1 and Level 2 assessments. If more than three months and less than six months pass between Level 1 and Level 2, Level 1 should be repeated. At the end of six months, the level 1 is repeated

A service provider who advises, trains, or otherwise is involved with a company may not certify. We therefore assist you in selecting an accredited certification body.


current changes in ISO 50001 certification

With the publication of ISO 50003 in November 2016, the standard for auditing energy management systems, it is explicitly required that a demonstrable improvement in energy-related performance should be presented as a reliable certification criterion.

The ISO 50003 demands reliable and plausible improvements in energy-related performance compared to the energetic starting point. The future ISO 50001 audits require auditors to view and verify objective evidence of energy-related performance. Conversely, this means that "non-achievement" of improvement goals should be considered nonconformity.

Accordingly, a greater emphasis will be placed on the following standards and guidelines:

  • Energetic basis (ISO 50001, 50006, 50015)
  • Energy indicators (ISO 50006)
  • Measuring and verifying (ISO 50015).
  • Monitoring, analysis and evaluation (ISO 50001)
  • Guide to conducting energy audits (ISO 50002)

Another change to the previous certification system goes hand in hand with the classification of industry scopes in so-called technical areas in accordance with Table 2, section 6.3 of ISO 50003: 2014.

This new subdivision into technical areas presupposes that auditors are also qualified for the respective industry sectors. This corresponds approximately to the direction of current qualification requirements for auditors analogous to the more demanding ISO standards, such as e.g. ISO 9001: 2015 or in particular at EMAS reviewers.

The duration of DAkk's / UKAS or other accredited energy management system certification audits is also subject to change. The calculation basis of the DAkkS (document 71 SD 6 022) to be applied so far is changed.
For the determination of the audit duration, the number of employees who effectively influence the energy efficiency, ie the energy output in the companies, is now taken as the basis. At the same time, this also means that in the future the staff will be audited more intensively, which will influence the effectiveness of the EnMS or have a significant impact on energy consumption and energy efficiency

EnMS auditors must, in accordance with the new auditing requirements of ISO 50003, see in the future ISO 50001 audits objective evidence to improve energy performance and energy efficiency. This means that the EnMS managers in the organizations are increasingly focusing on "key figures and influencing factors" instead of "measuring and verifying".
An effective performance indicator system, which transparently depicts the energy-related performance of a company, will receive a greater weighting in the future


Differenz to Energy-Assessment acc. DIN 16247-1

Energy audit according to DIN 16247-1

The energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 contains a documentation of the energy consultation and a list of possibilities for the improvement of the energy efficiency according to the specification of the EDL-G. This method depicts the actual state for the energy consumption of an enterprise. In the process, all energy consumers are systematically differentiated and cataloged, and their potential savings are mapped. Individual energy consumption can thus be optimized and energy efficiency increased.

An energy audit includes the determination of energy use and energy consumption. The main focuses of the energetic investigations according to DIN 16247-1 lie in the following areas:


  • Process engineering processes
  • Interdisciplinary technologies
  • Electricity and heat generation building technology
  • Hot water supply
  • Lighting system
  • Ventilation and air-conditioning technology
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration systems
  • Compressed air systems
  • Otherwise. electric drives and pumps
  • Information and communication technology
  • Buildings
  • Transport

In addition, the following are discussed:


  • User behavior and optimization potential.
  • Recommendations and plans for implementation
  • Assumptions used to calculate the savings
  • Information on applicable grants and subsidies
  • Suitable economic analysis
  • Proposals for measuring and verification methods for estimating the saving after the
  • Implementation of the recommended measures
  • Possible interactions with other suggested recommendations
  • Conclusions.of Assessment

In principle, all non-SME companies were required to conduct an energy audit for the first time by 5 December 2015. Newly-formed companies that fall into the category "non-SME" have to conduct an energy audit in accordance with DIN 16247-1 within a reasonable period of time and then repeat it every four years. For multi-site organizations, the selection of sites to be evaluated is subject to BAFA's regulations

A DIN 16247-1 energy assessment can be accepted as an introduction or transition into an environmentally relevant management system such as ISO 14001 or EMAS or even for an energy management system according to ISO 50001. Companies certified to EC 1221: 2009 (EMAS) or ISO 50001 already meet the requirement for a DIN 16247-1 energy audit


SpaEfV Efficiency System Ordinance

The Peak Equalization Efficiency System Ordinance (SpaEfV) regulates the requirements for the verification of peak compensation. As peak compensation one calls the possibility of a reduction of the EEG surcharge (§41 Renewable Energy Act).
This compensation scheme favors manufacturing companies with a consumption of more than 1 GWh / a and where the ratio of electricity costs to gross value added is at least 14% per point of sale.

For companies with a power consumption of 1 GWh / a to 10GWh / a, certification according to DIN 1637-1 is sufficient. For energy-intensive companies (10 GWh / a or more) a certified energy management system has to be implemented. (DIN EN ISO 50001 or EMAS)

QHSE Compliance

QHSE Management Division Europe

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Christian Ruhe M.Sc.
support technical and industrial specifications
+49 (0) 231 / 952 99 4 98